The Serb National Council issues various publications through which it promotes activities of the Serb community in Croatia and informs about problems encountered by its members. The SNV‘s publications are aimed at the Serb community, but also at a wider audience and institutions whose task is to act toward the protection of our human, civil and national rights. Since December of 1999, the SNV has been publishing the weekly Novosti, which is distributed through a network of Serb organizations but is also available in over the counter sale in kiosks. Novosti also has its online edition Portal Novosti where, along with articles in the printed version, news, analyses, and commentaries are posted which are written exclusively for the portal. Apart from Novosti, the SNV also issues Bulletin, a periodical publication which brings overviews of main problems that Serbs in Croatia are facing – from refugee – returnee issues to the issues of identity and education and the journal Tragovi.
Tragovi [Traces]
Tragovi is a scientific journal featuring Serb and Croatian topics, issued twice a year: in May and in November. It is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary and features works from various social and humanistic sciences such as historiography, political science, linguistics, art history, economy, ethnology, anthropology, international relations etc. The journal’s focus is on topics from the past and present of Croatia and Yugoslavia (and ex-Yugoslav territories), past and present of Serbs in Croatia and the Serb – Croatian relations. The journal’s editor-in-chief is professor Dejan Jović. The publishers are the Serb National Council and the Archive of Serbs in Croatia.
Contact of the journal Tragovi
The Bulletin of the Serb National Council is a periodical publication which provides an overview of main problems that Serbs in Croatia are faced with. Apart from informing the Serb community and the wider audience, this publication aims to encourage relevant institutions to be active and work towards the fast and comprehensive resolution of problems this community is frequently faced with. The Bulletin is thematic so that each issue covers another specific current problem related to minority rights. At the same time, it provides a presentation of advocacy, representational and fieldwork of the Serb National Council.
Novosti Weekly
Novosti weekly has been published since December 1999. The independent Serb weekly Novosti is a periodical covering general news through critical writing about relevant political, social, socio-economic, and cultural events in Croatia, the wider region and the world. Novosti pays special attention to the work of institutions of the Serb community and events and topics relevant to this community – the return of refugees, reintegration of the Serb minority, fight for the minority rights and development of the war-affected regions. One part of the weekly is dedicated to the process of cultural and economic exchange among post-Yugoslav countries and general topics of democratisation, development of civil society and rule of law.
Novosti weekly can be bought at most newsstands in Croatia. It is also distributed via a network of the local Serb national minority councils, NGOs, sub-committees of the Serb Cultural Society Prosvjeta, and the Serb Orthodox Church, and readers have the option of a subscription.
As a part of the Novosti, the Serbian Business Association Privrednik eponymous supplement “Privrednik” and magazine “Nada” of the Serbian Democratic Forum are published every other week.
Some of the best journalists in Croatia and the region write for Novosti, which is one of the weekly’s qualities making it interesting to the audience beyond the Serb community. In 2018 Novosti was listed among four finalists in the category of journalism for the prominent international award for freedom of expression, Freedom of Expression Awards.
In December 2023, the Novosti Weekly and the Portal Novosti won the regional journalist award “Srđan Aleksić” in the category “For the media”. The jury, inter alia, stated that Novosti, which quality of content is constant, consistent and professional, really affect not only Croatian society, but also the region as a whole, and authors who write for this media are people of credibility and guardians of common sense in the region.
Contact of the Novosti Newsroom
Portal Novosti
Portal Novosti is based on the editorial idea of Novosti, adjusted to the internet platform. The portal’s contents are based on articles from the weekly’s print version which are published successively as the week progresses, and on daily production of relevant news, commentaries and analyses written for the portal.
Contact of the Novosti Newsroom
Vida TV
The Serb National Council’s audiovisual production Vida began to broadcast in May 2022, chiefly through its YouTube channel, Facebook page and the portal It works under the motto, “Vida gives minority perspective on most of the things.” Vida is aimed at informing members of the Serbian minority and the general public about political, social and cultural events and issues that matter in daily life of the Serbian minority in Croatia. Vida broadcasts political, social and cultural program which covers news, reportages and talk shows, investigative journalism and documentaries. Its program and individual shows are structured to integrate minority and general contents with a view to make the minority public more visible to the general public and to bring overarching topics closer to minorities.
Its editorial board is located in the complex of the Serb Cultural Association Prosvjeta in Preradovićeva Street, Zagreb, where the TV studio is furnished and equipped, along with production and editing rooms and off cabin, according to the highest for TV production and suitable for the cable distribution and exchange with interested TV stations.
Editor in Chief: Nikola Bajto
Deputy Chief editors: Aleksandar Tešić and Martina Uzelac
Executive editors: Zoran Kekić (desk reporter) and Antonela Marušić (culture)
Production manager: Mihailo Radosavljević