The goal of the Serb National Council’s Centre for Development and Investment (CRI) is to encourage economic development, create a business climate and promote the potential of local self-government units in returnee areas and other environments in the Republic of Croatia with ethnic Serb population.
CRI operates through four offices – the central one is in Zagreb, and regional offices in Vukovar, Knin and Krnjak. Their activity covers the areas of Eastern Slavonia, central Croatia, Banija and Kordun, Lika and Dalmatia. Through its activities, CRI wants to enhance its presence and efficiency in the field and create foundations for an even regional development.
To achieve better use of grants available through the EU and national funds, CRI continuously:
- Informs about news from the fields of agriculture, economy, tourism, micro business, environment protection and energetic efficiency and related issues (law amendments, bidding, lending opportunities and the like)
- Informs about possibilities for obtaining incentives; informs about open tenders for areas populated by minorities; informs about open EU, national and other tenders; offers advisory services related to procedures of simple and public procurement, and in applying for tenders for the lease of state-owned agricultural land
- Organizes expert and information workshops and courses on the subjects of interest to different groups of beneficiaries;
- Builds connections with competent institutions at local, regional and national level
Encourages development through:
- Identifying development opportunities, projects and programs
- Creating development strategies
- Fostering the development of programs, association projects and organizations of Serbian national minority, as well as other organizations with the aim to network them towards objectives important for the Serbian national minority
- Monitoring implementation of Operational programs for national minorities and monitoring legislation for advancement of development programs in the areas where minorities lived throughout history
To stimulate development and strengthen inter-regional and cross-border cooperation CRI continuously:
- Cooperates with development agencies in the counties and with cities, municipalities and civil society organisations in the country and abroad
- Works on organizing visits and public appearances of representatives and members of councils, associations and other Serbian organizations at local and international expert panels and fairs
CRI contacts
Central office in Zagreb,
head of the Centre for Development and Investment
M 099 323 9632
Regional office Kordun and Banija
Nikolina Bunčić
M 099 355 7643
Regional office Vukovar
Miloš Miodragović
M 099 813 8949
Regional office Knin
Saša Ležaić
M 099 815 2577