SNV Bulletin #15

publisher: Srpsko narodno vijeće (Serb National Council)
number of pages: 98
year of publication: 2018.
ISSN: 9789533130866
ISBN: 978-953-7442-44-6

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Refugee settlements in Serbia: The nation that survived

Almost one half of Serbs who fled Croatia after the military action “Storm” in Krajina in the summer of 1995 permanently settled in Vojvodina, primarily due to fertile soil, somewhat better economic conditions, and the vicinity of large cities (Belgrade and Novi Sad, and Sombor and Subotica to some extent). Using a handful of examples, this bulletin paints the picture of the fate of refugees in Serbia. The total number of people who fled Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, based on the registry from 1996, stood 617.72, 260 000 of which came to Vojvodina.